Member-only story
Poetry — You are a lantern-bearer of the cosmos and I am a house poet looking for a home. Can my words light your lamp?
There is a garden
A garden of meteors and comets
Where thoughts coalesce into stardust|
Glittering in the darkness of night
You are the lantern-bearer
Waiting in the bower
Your lantern swinging as gently as a lullaby
Caressing the air to and from
Time hanging in the balance from one swing to another
I am the storyteller
With words poised for use
Oiled and ready for battle
Or primped and plucked for love
I will recite for coin and kisses
A house poet looking for a home
The darkness is not as daunting
While you carry your lantern
I blow my words into the oil
Helping the flame ignite
And dispel the clinging ochre shadows
Walking the path together
Word and flame
Sound and light
Moon and night
We follow along the cosmos
Drinking in the privacy of the dark
And make our own galaxy